Hello, and Welcome to Fantage Dolphin. We want you guys to have as much fun as you can, but please follow these rules! Thanks :P

1. Please don't cuss. (except for hell, ass, and damn)
2. No advertising for blogs, or Fantage related websites.
3. Only use caps for excitment.
4. No swearing
4. Never ask to be a moderator, or owner.
5. Do not argue with Main Owners (Catherine and Reem)
6. No trading Fantage Accounts (It isn't safe)
7. Don't threaten, harass, tease, or bully other people.
8. U can argue, but please don't cause overloaded drama.
9. No spamming. (Pointless messages)
10. Owners and Co Owners- Don't make people into moderators without asking a Main Owner
11. Owners and Co- Owners- No banning forever without asking a Main Owner
12. Owners and Co-Owners- Do not de-mod anyone without asking a Main Owner
13. No banning people for no reason
14. Never ask to be a higher pawn.

If you follow these rules, you surely will become a higher pawn!

About the Owners :)

Herro :3 My name is Catherine. I am the 1st Main Owner of Fantage Dolphin. I love Rihanna :D She's AWESOME. Now...I love all my friends...of course xP I'm obssesed with Fantage, The Sims 3, and Fantage Cheese. Yes, I am a cheesian! I do gymnastics and cheerleading, and I've been doing both since I was 9. I can be a spokesperson sometimes...and along with that, I can be a extreme diva. But I do have a sweet personality..and I'm always generous for some reason :D Thanks for reading. Yea I know, don't have to brag..I know u liked my biography...hehe. PANCAKES.


Hey! xD I'm Reem!! The most important part of me is...I'M A SERIOUS DOG LOVER! My bff is Cathy wich is one of the main owners here. I have a good personality... sometimes, only if u follow the rules! I can be grouchy but I'm also a nice pumpkin if you follow the rulez. :) I love the color blue, its so peaceful! and I love Fantage Cheese and Fantage Dolphin! I also have a chat named foodfoodfood! its pretty fun! My favorite food is Burritos of course. My fav website is well....Fantage and Here!! I've been on Fantage since 2009, and I still play it!, long time eh? To summarize my whole personality I'd say I am..Funny and Nice even to Cathy! I prefer to call her Cateh :D Don't tell her...SHH.. its a secret. BACON, i like bacon... heh. forgot dat..

~ Reem.